Monday, July 31, 2006

New refrigerator

The other day, I got a new refrigerator at BIC CAMERA in shibuya. It has been a long time since Neko told that we should buy a bigger fridge. Our fridge had been always full, and I had lost my drive to find what is in the fridge. The reason I made slow progress to get a bigger fridge is that I thought the food should not be stocked for a long time in the fridge. I can't stock up on the food we need in a few days on weekend because I don't have a car. The capacity of my old fridge was enough for us to keep the foods we ate in a few days, I had thought. However, I knew that the bigger fridge was not just bigger. The new big fridge have some small rooms which have each purposes, the vagetable room, automatic ice making room, chilled room etc. Anyway, it is very functional and easy to use. And what is more, I can fell rich by new big fridge.


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