just a cold
I seemed to catch a cold on Sunday. Sunday is fine day and I took a walk around Setagaya. When I took a coffe break I couldn't stop sneezing for a while. The feeling it might be caused by allergy of pollens went through my head. However I believed that I must be recovering an allegy of pollens because I kept having KW lactobacillus this year due to prevent from an allegy. So I tried to think it was just a cold. At night, when I checked my temperature I confirmed it was just a cold. I had a temperature of 37 degrees! Next day, I felt dull and slept whole day. I couldn't see a doctor because the day was a national holiday. On Tuesday, I still felt dull. It was too much trouble to do anything by 100 times as usual. I thought it might be a flu. 2 years ago, I had an influenza for the first time. I felt horribly weak and continued to sleep whole 2 or 3 days. This time, my temperature was about 36.5 degree and it was not high but this kind of dullness seemed to be caused by a flu. Just in case, I went to see a doctor. He said to be just a cold. I felt good it was not an allegy of pollens nor an flu but just a cold. I feel at ease now.
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